Python Projects

Tkinter Projects

Create an Image Encryption App in Python with AES-256 Encryption

Introduction In this digital age, images play a vital role in our lives. They can hold cherished memories, from your romantic first date to a lovely vacation with your family. Even some people keep...

Create a Drawing Application using Python Tkinter

Introduction Python offers excellent capabilities for building a drawing application with various features. In this article, we will walk through the process of developing a dynamic drawing...

Creating a Music Player in Python using VLC and Tkinter

Introduction Python, with its vast array of libraries and frameworks, allows developers to build a wide range of applications. One such application is a music player, which can be developed using the...

Create a Calendar App in Python using Tkinter Library

Introduction In the digital age, calendars play a vital role in helping us manage our schedules and stay organized. In this article, you will learn how to Create a Calendar App using Python tkinter...

Python Temperature Converter: (°C) to (°F) and Vice Versa

Introduction Temperature conversion is a common task in various fields, including science, engineering, and everyday life. Python, being a versatile and popular programming language, provides a range...

Create Your Own Personal Diary using Python

Introduction In today’s digital age, the traditional way of keeping a personal diary may seem outdated. However, there is something about putting pen to paper that cannot be replaced by technology...

Building a Custom Text Editor with Python

Introduction A text editor is a fundamental tool for anyone who writes code or works with text files on a regular basis. While there are many text editors available in the market, sometimes you might...

20+ Python Tkinter Projects with Source Code

Introduction This article dives into the world of 20+ Python Tkinter projects, complete with source code! Forget complex command lines – these projects offer an interactive and user-friendly way...

Create an Image Compressor in Python using Tkinter

Introduction In today’s digital age, images play a crucial role in various applications, from websites to mobile apps. However, large image file sizes can significantly impact loading times and...

Create a Meditation App in Python with Tkinter

Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life. Stress, anxiety, and a constant sense of urgency can take a toll on our mental and...

Create a Language Translator App in Python using Tkinter

Introduction Have you ever wished for a translator who’s available 24/7 to handle all your language needs? While hiring a human translator might seem ideal, it’s not always practical. This...

Create an Image to Pencil Sketch Converter in Python

Introduction Have you ever tried sketching someone with a pencil and paper? If you have, then you know how much practice it takes to get a really good result. An Artist who can draw anything with just...

Create an Image to Cartoon Converter using Python OpenCV

Introduction Have you ever tried converting your own photo into a cartoon? By the way, it’s not a joke. Many people love turning their images into cartoons and share on social media. Even...

Create a Multiple Files Renamer in Python with Tkinter

Introduction Ever lost yourself in a sea of cryptic filenames, desperately hunting for that one picture from last weekend’s trip? Whatsapp Web throws this frustration at us all too often, with...

Create a YouTube Downloader in Python using Tkinter

Introduction Ever scrolled through endless YouTube playlists, wishing you could capture your favourite videos and audios for offline binging? In the age of digital content overload, where internet...

Encrypt and Decrypt PDF Files in Python using Tkinter

Introduction In today’s digital age, securing sensitive information is very important. One of the most common techniques is encrypting digital data. PDF (Portable Document Format) files are...

Create an Image Viewer Application using Python Tkinter

Introduction In our digital world, images are more important than ever. From capturing special moments to sharing news and creating art, they’re all around us. They help us keep our memories...

Create an Image Rotator Application in Python using Tkinter

Introduction In today’s digital age, images play an important role in our lives. Whether you’re a photographer, a social media enthusiast, or a professional presenter, the ability to...

PDF Editor: Split, Merge, & Rotate pdf files using Python Tkinter

Introduction In today’s digital era PDF is a very familiar name. It’s a file format used for various purposes. A PDF file can consist of one or multiple pages. In my college life, I faced...

Create a Library Management System Project in Python

Introduction The Library Management System is a software solution that helps manage the daily operations of a library. It is designed to automate routine tasks, such as cataloging, circulation...

Create a Contact Management System Project in Python

Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, contact management systems have become an essential tool for businesses, organisations, and individuals alike. Contact management systems are designed...

Create a Student Management System Project in Python

Introduction A Student Management System is a comprehensive software application that facilitates educational institutions in managing their day-to-day operations. It is designed to integrate and...

Create a Countdown Timer in Python with Start and Pause

Introduction Countdown timers aren’t just for defusing bombs in Hollywood movies. They’re ubiquitous tools in our daily lives, from timing your morning jog to tracking pizza delivery. But...

Create an Alarm Clock using Python with Tkinter

Introduction In our fast-paced world, every minute counts. Missing an important appointment, meeting, or event can have major consequences. But what if you could ditch the unreliable snooze button and...

Create an Age Calculator in Python using Tkinter

Introduction Have you ever wondered exactly how old you are, down to the day? Python can help! In this article, we’ll build a cool Age Calculator that not only tells you your age in years but also...

Create a Basic Calculator in Python Using Tkinter

Introduction Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, can be used to build a wide range of applications, including graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Tkinter, the standard GUI library for...

Create a Login and Registration form using Python and MySQL

Introduction In this digital era, online platforms have become an essential part of our lives. Whether it is social media, online shopping, or banking, most activities are carried out through websites...

Create a Junk File Organizer in Python using Tkinter

Introduction Do you often find yourself drowning in a sea of cluttered files on your computer? Are you tired of sifting through folders filled with unorganized files? If so, you’re not alone...

Advanced Python Projects

Create a Car Counter in Python using YOLO and OpenCV

Introduction Have you ever wondered how traffic authorities count the number of vehicles on the road to manage traffic flow effectively? One common method is using advanced image processing and...

Create a Question Answering System in Python using NLP

Introduction Imagine a machine answering all your questions, you throw different kinds of questions at that machine and it answers every one of your questions without getting tired. In this case, the...

Create a Sentiment Analysis Project in Python using NLP

Introduction Have you ever bought a product from a shopping site like Amazon or ebay and given a review of it, or given your own opinion on a discussion on social media? Every day millions of such...

Build a Face Recognition Login System using Python

Introduction In recent years, face recognition logins have become more and more popular. This technology provides a secure and easy way to confirm users’ identities. The technology in these...

Real-time Glass Detection on Face using Python

Introduction Have you ever wondered how many people today haven’t heard of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other related concepts? If you’re involved in the tech field...

Create a face recognition attendance system using Python

Introduction Ditching punch cards and time sheets, let’s code our way to a smarter future! In this hands-on tutorial, we’ll build a face recognition attendance system using Python, a...

Create a Face Recognition Project in Python

Introduction Ever bump into someone on the street and instantly recognize them, even after years? Pretty cool, right? But what if machines could do the same? Not just robots in sci-fi movies, but...

AI Project: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in Python

Introduction Have you ever played the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon“? It’s a fun and intriguing way to connect any actor or actress to Kevin Bacon within six movies. But did you...

Create a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python using Minimax Algorithm

Introduction In this tutorial, we will develop the Tic Tac Toe Game in Python using PyGame library. To add some excitement, we’ll implement the minimax algorithm to turn the computer into a...

Python Games

Create Your Own Fortune Teller in Python

Introduction Have you ever wished to tricked someone by telling their fortune? Though it’s just a fantasy. But what if a Computer program can tell the fortune of someone? In this tutorial...

Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game with Python

Introduction Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that allows you to bring your ideas to life through coding. In this article, we will guide you through the process of...

Create a Typing Speed Tester in Python with Tkinter

Introduction Ever feel like your fingers are tripping over the keyboard when you first start using a computer? The good news is, with practice, anyone can improve their typing speed. In fact, many...

Create a Number Guessing Game in Python

Introduction Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that can be used to create a wide range of applications. One fun and educational project for beginners is creating a...

Learn How to Create a Game in Python with PyGame

Introduction Do you ever wondered how to make your own computer game? Well, Python is like the magic wand that makes it happen. In this article, we’re going to show How to Create a Game in...

Create a Quiz Game in Python: Test Your World GK

Introduction Python, with its simplicity and versatility, offers an excellent platform for developing a wide range of applications. In this article, you”ll explore how to create a quiz game in...

Create a Snake Game in Python using Turtle Module

Introduction Video games are one of the funniest things. It can reduce the feeling of boredom created by overwork. In this tutorial, I will show how to create a Snake Game in Python using the Turtle...